Tagify is a small Inputag jQuery plugin used to add a multiple input tags straightforward, vivified, superior tag/token contribution from either input field or textarea. Changes an information field or a textarea into a Tags segment, in a simple, adjustable way, with extraordinary execution and little code impression, detonated with highlights. It additionally gives a vanilla JavaScript variant which permits you to actualize the labels contribution to unadulterated JavaScript.
Table of Contents
- Auto prevent duplicate tags.
- Auto split input text into tags by comma or Enter key.
- Compatible with Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 3.
How to use it:
Include the CSS, jQuery and JavaScript file tagify
in the head
In the above code, they include “tagify.css” code and two JavaScript codes, “//code.jquery.com/jquerry.min.js” and “jQuery.tagify.js” into the existing code.
<link href="tagify.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jQuery.tagify.js"></script>
You can also include the vanilla JS version if you’d like to implement the Tagify in pure JavaScript.
<script src="tagify.js"></script>
Create a input field or textfield with the tag input.
We created a tag input in the above code by assigning the name as a tag with a placeholder to write some tags and values predefined tags here.
<input name="tags" placeholder="write some tags" value="predefined tags here">
Initialize the Tagify and done.
In the above code of jQuery, We initialized id the value name as tags([name=tags]) in the tagify function and the code of Vanilla JavaScript, and We again took inputs of tags as a name(input[name=tags]).
// jQuery
// Vanilla JavaScript
var input = document.querySelector('input[name=tags]'),
tagify = new Tagify( input );
Enable the duplicate detection.
Here in this code, we declared duplicates of tagify as false.
More configuration option:
Placeholder: Example for this is, <input placeholder=’Please type your tags’>. Here, the attribute’s value will be used as a constant placeholder, and it is visible until something is being typed.
Pattern: Example for this is, <input pattern =’^[A-Za-z_* ]{1,15}$’>. Here, the attribute’s value will be used to validate the input.
readOnly: Example for this is, <input readOnly>. Here, No user interaction will be allowed.
Autofocus: An example of this is <input autofocus>. Here, Components are automatically focused when the component is loaded.
Required: An example of this is <input required>.
$('[name=tags]').tagify({duplicates : false});
More configuration options.
// tag data Object property which will be displayed as the tag's text
tagTextProp: 'value',
// placeholder text
placeholder: '',
// [regex] split tags by any of these delimiters ("null" to cancel)
delimiters: ",",
// regex pattern to vali<a href="https://www.jquerypost.com/category/time-clock//">date</a> input by.
pattern: null,
// use 'select' for single-value dropdown-like select box
// use 'mix' as value to allow mixed-content
// use 'integrated' to skip the creation of the wrapper
// the 'pattern' setting must be set to some character.
mode: null,
mixMode: {
insertAfterTag: '\u00A0', // node or string to add after a tag added
// interpolation for mix mode
// everything between these will become a tag
mixTagsInterpolator: ['[[', ']]'],
// define conditions in which typed mix-tags content is allowing a tag to be created after.
mixTagsAllowedAfter: /,|\.|\:|\s/,
// maximum number of tags
maxTags: Infinity,
// number of clicks on a tag to enter "edit" mode
// only 1 or 2 work. false or null will disallow editing
editTags: 2
// exposed callbacks object to be triggered on certain events
callbacks: {},
// automatically adds the text which was inputed as a tag when blur event happens
addTagOnBlur: true,
// allow tuplicate tags
duplicates: false,
// trim the tag's value
trim: true,
// is this list has any items, then only allow tags from this list
whitelist: [],
// a list of non-allowed tags
blacklist: [],
// should ONLY use tags allowed in whitelist
enforceWhitelist: false,
// tries to autocomplete the input's value while typing
autoComplete: {
enabled: true,
rightKey: false // If true, when → is pressed, use the suggested value to create a tag, else just auto-completes the input. In mixed-mode this is ignored and treated as "true"
// String - when tags have multiple properties, and for each tag another property should be used besides the "value"
<a href="https://www.jquerypost.com/tag/map/">map</a>ValueToProp: "",
dropdown: {
classname: '',
enabled: 2, // minimum input characters needs to be typed for the dropdown to show
maxItems: 10,
caseSensitive: false,
fuzzySearch: true,
accentedSearch: true,
position: 'null', // 'manual' - will not render the dropdown, and you would need to do it yourself; 'text' - will place the dropdown next to the caret; 'input' - will place the dropdown next to the input; 'all' - normal, full-width design
highlightFirst: false,
closeOnSelect: true,
clearOnSelect: true,
mapValueTo: function(){}, // this setting controlls which data key will be printed in the dropdown
searchKeys: ["value", "searchBy"],
appendTarget: document.body
// object consisting of functions which return template strings
templates: {wrapper, tag, dropdownItem},
// take a tag input as argument and returns a transformed value
transformTag: undefined,
// if true, do not remove tags which did not pass validation
keepInvalidTags: false,
// skip invald tags
skipInvalid: false,
// true - remove last tag; edit - edit last tag
backspace: true,
// if you wish your original input/textarea value property format to other than the default (which I recommend keeping) you may use this and make sure it returns a string.
originalInputValueFormat: function(){},
API methods.
var myInput = $('[name=tags]').tagify();
// adds new tag
// String (word, single or multiple with a delimiter) or an Array of Objects
// removes a specific tag
// removes all tags
// destroy the plugin
// converts the input's value into tags. This method gets called automatically when instansiating Tagify. Also works for mixed-tags
// returns an Array of found matching items (case-insensitive)
// returns the index of a specific tag, by value
// returns the first matched tag node, if found
// returns how many tags already exists with that value
// converts a String argument ([[foo]] and [[bar]] are..) into HTML with mixed tags & texts
// returns a DOM nodes list of all the tags
// returns a specific tag DOM node by value
// set/get tag data on a tag element (has.tagify__tag class by default)
myInput.tagData(HTMLElement, Object);
// goes to edit-mode in a specific tag
myInput.editTag( HTMLElement);
// exit a tag's edit-mode. if "tagData" exists, replace the tag element with new data and update Tagify value
myInput.replaceTag(tagElm, Object (tagData));
// toogle loading state on/off (Ex. AJAX whitelist pulling)
// same as above but for a specific tag element
myInput.tagLoading(HTMLElement, Boolean);
// returns a tag element from the supplied tag data
myInput.createTagElem(Object (tagData));
// injects text or HTML node at last caret position. range parameter is optional
myInput.injectAtCaret(HTMLElement (injectedNode), Object (range));
// places the caret after a given node
// whatever to insert after
myInput.insertAfterTag(HTMLElement (tag element), HTMLElement/String);
// toggles tagify--invalid class to the Tagify wrapper element
// adds all whitelist items as tags and close the suggestion dropdown
// iterates tag DOM nodes and re-build the tagify.value array (call this if tags get sorted manually)
parseTemplate String/Function (template name or function), Array (data) converts a template string (by selecting one from the settings.templates by name or supplying a template function which returns a String) into a DOM node
var myInput = $('[name=tags]').tagify();
// e.type, e.detail, ...
.on('add', function(e){
// on add
.on('removeTag', function(e){
// on remove
.on('change', function(e){
// on change
.on('invalid', function(e){
// on invalid
.on('input', function(e){
// on input
.on('click', function(e){
// on click
.on('dblclick', function(e){
// on dblclick
.on('keydown', function(e){
// on keydown
.on('focus', function(e){
// on focus
.on('blur', function(e){
// on blur
.on('edit:input', function(e){
// on blur
.on('edit:beforeUpdate', function(e){
// on blur
.on('edit:updated', function(e){
// on blur
.on('edit:start', function(e){
// on blur
.on('edit:keydown', function(e){
// on blur
.on('dropdown:show', function(e){
// on blur
.on('dropdown:hide', function(e){
// on blur
.on('dropdown:select', function(e){
// on blur
.on('dropdown:scroll', function(e){
// on blur
.on('dropdown:noMatch', function(e){
// on blur
Thanks for make jQuery plugin is developed by yairEO For more Helpfull for users, please check the demo page or visit the official website.