3D Carousel Using TweenMax.js & jQuery

Awesome 3D Carousel Using jQuery & TweenMax.js
File Size: 97.94 KB
Views Total: 4234 views
Last Update:January 1, 1970
Publish Date: October 4, 2020
Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Plugin Author: JohnBlazek
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A Free jQuery Plugins, In this tutorial I am going to share Awesome 3D Carousel Using TweenMax.js & jQuery. It’ll create 3d image slider looking and with auto rotate feature which gives cool look to your web page.

Table of Contents

How to use :

1. Include jQuery library and

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="TweenMax.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="3d-carousel/js/libs.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>

2. Add 3d-carousel css.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">

3. Add The Html.

	<div id="contentContainer" class="trans3d"> 
	<section id="carouselContainer" class="trans3d">
		<figure id="item1" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">1</div></figure>
		<figure id="item2" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">2</div></figure>
		<figure id="item3" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">3</div></figure>
		<figure id="item4" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">4</div></figure>
		<figure id="item5" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">5</div></figure>
		<figure id="item6" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">6</div></figure>
		<figure id="item7" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">7</div></figure>
		<figure id="item8" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">8</div></figure>
		<figure id="item9" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">9</div></figure>
		<figure id="item10" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">10</div></figure>
		<figure id="item11" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">11</div></figure>
		<figure id="item12" class="carouselItem trans3d"><div class="carouselItemInner trans3d">12</div></figure>	

4. Add Script.

// set and cache variables
		var w, container, carousel, item, radius, itemLength, rY, ticker, fps; 
		var mouseX = 0;
		var mouseY = 0;
		var mouseZ = 0;
		var addX = 0;
		// fps counter created by: https://gist.github.com/sharkbrainguy/1156092,
		// no need to create my own :)
		var fps_counter = {
			tick: function () 
				// this has to clone the array every tick so that
				// separate instances won't share state 
				this.times = this.times.concat(+new Date());
				var seconds, times = this.times;
				if (times.length > this.span + 1) 
					times.shift(); // ditch the oldest time
					seconds = (times[times.length - 1] - times[0]) / 1000;
					return Math.round(this.span / seconds);
				else return null;
			times: [],
			span: 20
		var counter = Object.create(fps_counter);
		$(document).ready( init )
		function init()
			w = $(window);
			container = $( '#contentContainer' );
			carousel = $( '#carouselContainer' );
			item = $( '.carouselItem' );
			itemLength = $( '.carouselItem' ).length;
			fps = $('#fps');
			rY = 360 / itemLength;
			radius = Math.round( (250) / Math.tan( Math.PI / itemLength ) );
			// set container 3d props
			TweenMax.set(container, {perspective:600})
			TweenMax.set(carousel, {z:-(radius)})
			// create carousel item props
			for ( var i = 0; i < itemLength; i++ )
				var $item = item.eq(i);
				var $block = $item.find('.carouselItemInner');
        TweenMax.set($item, {rotationY:rY * i, z:radius, transformOrigin:"50% 50% " + -radius + "px"});
				animateIn( $item, $block )						
			// set mouse x and y props and looper ticker
			window.addEventListener( "mousemove", onMouseMove, false );
			ticker = setInterval( looper, 1000/60 );			
		function animateIn( $item, $block )
			var $nrX = 360 * getRandomInt(2);
			var $nrY = 360 * getRandomInt(2);
			var $nx = -(2000) + getRandomInt( 4000 )
			var $ny = -(2000) + getRandomInt( 4000 )
			var $nz = -4000 +  getRandomInt( 4000 )
			var $s = 1.5 + (getRandomInt( 10 ) * .1)
			var $d = 1 - (getRandomInt( 8 ) * .1)
			TweenMax.set( $item, { autoAlpha:1, delay:$d } )	
			TweenMax.set( $block, { z:$nz, rotationY:$nrY, rotationX:$nrX, x:$nx, y:$ny, autoAlpha:0} )
			TweenMax.to( $block, $s, { delay:$d, rotationY:0, rotationX:0, z:0,  ease:Expo.easeInOut} )
			TweenMax.to( $block, $s-.5, { delay:$d, x:0, y:0, autoAlpha:1, ease:Expo.easeInOut} )
		function onMouseMove(event)
			mouseX = -(-(window.innerWidth * .5) + event.pageX) * .0025;
			mouseY = -(-(window.innerHeight * .5) + event.pageY ) * .01;
			mouseZ = -(radius) - (Math.abs(-(window.innerHeight * .5) + event.pageY ) - 200);
		// loops and sets the carousel 3d properties
		function looper()
			addX += mouseX
			TweenMax.to( carousel, 1, { rotationY:addX, rotationX:mouseY, ease:Quint.easeOut } )
			TweenMax.set( carousel, {z:mouseZ } )
			fps.text( 'Framerate: ' + counter.tick() + '/60 FPS' )	
		function getRandomInt( $n )
			return Math.floor((Math.random()*$n)+1);	
Thanks for make jQuery plugin is developed by JohnBlazek For more Helpfull for users, please check the demo page or visit the official website.

Nola Arney

Nola Arney is a full stack web developer who has Author at jQuerypost. Her ambition for development is only matched by his desire to find the perfect meme for every occasion.

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