Bootstrap 3/4 Select Dropdown With Filter Search In jQuery Plugin – bootstrap-select

jQuery Plugin For Filterable Bootstrap Dropdown Select - Bootstrap Select
File Size: 30.34 KB
Views Total: 27976 views
Last Update:May 03, 2024
Publish Date: September 26, 2012
Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Plugin Author: snapappointments
Demo    Download

Bootstrap Select dropdown is a multi select dropdown jQuery plugin to modified with default Bootstrap dropdown select with multiple options like: outgroup support, auto-completion, clear selection and search live filtering. you can choose multiple select in select box. Additionally, Bootstrap Select offers various customization options, including styling the dropdown menu, adding icons, enabling/disable certain functionalities, and handling events for enhanced interactivity.

With Bootstrap Select, user can easily create searchable, multi-select, and live search dropdowns, allowing users to select multiple options, search for specific items, or see results as they type. The plugin also supports dynamic data loading, making it suitable for scenarios where the select options need to be populated dynamically from a remote data source.

Bootstrap-select is fully support with Bootstrap 3/4 select dropdown.

Bootstrap 3 Demo :

Link : Bootstrap 3 Select Dropdown With Filter Search In jQuery Plugin

How to used Bootstrap Select dropdown


  • jQuery.
  • Bootstrap 4 or Bootstrap 3 framework.
  • Font Awesome icons (For Bootstrap 4).
  • Ajax-Bootstrap-Select (for AJAX data fetching). OPTIONAL.


# Yarn
$ yarn add bootstrap-select

$ npm install bootstrap-select --save

Include the jQuery Bootstrap Select dropdown plugin and other required resources into your Bootstrap page.

<!-- Bootstrap 4 Stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=/css/bootstrap.min.css">

<!-- Bootstrap Select Stylesheet -->
<link href="/path/to/bootstrap-select.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Bootstrap 4 JavaScript -->
<script src="/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/libs/popper.js/1.14.0/umd/popper.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

<!-- Bootstrap Select Main JavaScript -->
<script src="/path/to/bootstrap-select.min.js"></script>

<!-- Bootstrap Select Language JavaScript -->
<script src="/path/to/i18n/defaults-LANGUAGE.min.js"></script>

Just add the class ‘selectpicker’ to your select element and done.

<select class="selectpicker">

You can also initialize the plugin by call the function on the ‘select’ element.


All default plugin settings.


  // text for none selected
  noneSelectedText: 'Nothing selected',

  // text for no results
  noneResultsText: 'No results matched {0}',
  countSelectedText: function (numSelected, numTotal) {
    return (numSelected == 1) ? "{0} item selected" : "{0} items selected";

  // text for max options
  maxOptionsText: function (numAll, numGroup) {
    return [
      (numAll == 1) ? 'Limit reached ({n} item max)' : 'Limit reached ({n} items max)',
      (numGroup == 1) ? 'Group limit reached ({n} item max)' : 'Group limit reached ({n} items max)'

  // text for select all
  selectAllText: 'Select All',

  // text for deselect all
  deselectAllText: 'Deselect All',

  // enables done button
  doneButton: false,

  // text for done button
  doneButtonText: 'Close',

  // custom separator
  multipleSeparator: ', ',

  // basic class
  styleBase: 'btn',

  // button classes
  style: classNames.BUTTONCLASS,

  // 'auto' | integer | false
  size: 'auto',

  // title for dropdown select
  title: null,

  // values' | 'static' | 'count' | 'count > x'
  selectedTextFormat: 'values',

  // width
  width: false,

  // string | false
  container: false,

  // hides disabled options
  hideDisabled: false,

  // shows sub text
  showSubtext: false,

  // shows icons
  showIcon: true,

  // shows content
  showContent: true,

  // auto reposition to fit screen
  dropupAuto: true,

  // adds a header to the dropdown select
  header: false,

  // live filter options
  liveSearch: false,
  liveSearchPlaceholder: null,
  liveSearchNormalize: false,
  liveSearchStyle: 'contains',

  // shows Select All & Deselect All
  actionsBox: false,

  // icon base
  iconBase: 'glyphicon',

  // tick icon
  tickIcon: 'glyphicon-ok',

  // shows tick
  showTick: false,

  // custom template
  template: {
    caret: '<span class="caret"></span>'

  // integer | false
  maxOptions: false,

  // enables the device's native select for the dropdown select
  mobile: false,

  // if true, treats the tab character like the enter or space characters within the selectpicker dropdown.
  selectOnTab: false,

  // boolean | 'auto'
  dropdownAlignRight: false,

  // padding
  windowPadding: 0,

  // If enabled, the items in the dropdown will be rendered using virtualization (i.e. only the items that are within the viewport will be rendered). 
  // This drastically improves performance for selects with a large number of options. 
  // Set to an integer to only use virtualization if the select has at least that number of options.
  virtual<a href="">Scroll</a>: 600

API methods.

// Sets the selected value
$('.selectpicker').selectpicker('val', 'Mustard');
$('.selectpicker').selectpicker('val', ['Mustard','Relish']);

// Selects all items

// Deselects all items

// Re-renders the plugin


// Enables mobile scrolling

// Modifies the class(es)
// Replace Class
$('.selectpicker').selectpicker('setStyle', 'btn-danger');
// Add Class
$('.selectpicker').selectpicker('setStyle', 'btn-large', 'add');
// Remove Class
$('.selectpicker').selectpicker('setStyle', 'btn-large', 'remove');

// Programmatically up<a href="">date</a>s a select

// Programmatically toggles the select

// Hides the select

// Shows the select

// Destroy the select

Event handlers available.

$('.selectpicker').on('', function (e, clickedIndex, isSelected, previousValue) {
  // do something...

$('.selectpicker').on('', function (relatedTarget) {
  // do something...

$('.selectpicker').on('', function (relatedTarget) {
  // do something...

$('.selectpicker').on('', function (relatedTarget) {
  // do something...

$('.selectpicker').on('', function (relatedTarget) {
  // do something...

$('.selectpicker').on('', function () {
  // do something...

$('.selectpicker').on('', function () {
  // do something...

$('.selectpicker').on('', function () {
  // do something...

To use a remote data source you need load the Ajax-Bootstrap-Select extension in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/dist/css/ajax-bootstrap-select.css"/>
<script src="/dist/js/ajax-bootstrap-select.js"></script>

Add the data-live-search attribute to the select element.

<select id="selectpicker" class="selectpicker" data-live-search="true">

The example JavaScript to fetch options from a remote data source using AJAX.

var options = {
      ajax          : {
        url     : '/ajax',
        type    : 'POST',
        dataType: 'json',
        // Use "{{{q}}}" as a placeholder and Ajax Bootstrap Select will
        // automatically replace it with the value of the search query.
        data    : {
          q: '{{{q}}}'
      locale        : {
        emptyTitle: 'Select and Begin Typing'
      log           : 3,
      preprocessData: function (data) {
        var i, l = data.length, array = [];
        if (l) {
          for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
            array.push($.extend(true, data[i], {
              text : data[i].Name,
              value: data[i].Email,
              data : {
                subtext: data[i].Email
        // You must always return a valid array when processing data. The
        // data argument passed is a clone and cannot be modified directly.
        return array;

All possible options to customize the Ajax-Bootstrap-Select extension.

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @deprecated Since version `1.2.0`, see: {@link $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults#preprocessData}.
* @cfg {Function} ajaxResultsPreHook

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Object} ajax (required)
* @markdown
* The options to pass to the jQuery AJAX request.
* ```js
* {
*     url: null, // Required.
*     type: 'POST',
*     dataType: 'json',
*     data: {
*         q: '{{{q}}}'
*     }
* }
* ```
ajax: {
  url: null,
  type: 'POST',
  dataType: 'json',
  data: {
      q: '{{{q}}}'

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Number} minLength = 0
* @markdown
* Invoke a request for empty search values.
minLength: 0,

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {String} ajaxSearchUrl
* @deprecated Since version `1.2.0`, see: {@link $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults#ajax}.

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {String} bindEvent = "keyup"
* @markdown
* The event to bind on the search input element to fire a request.
bindEvent: 'keyup',

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Boolean} cache = true
* @markdown
* Cache previous requests. If enabled, the "enter" key (13) is enabled to
* allow users to force a refresh of the request.
cache: true,

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Boolean} clearOnEmpty = true
* @markdown
* Clears the previous results when the search input has no value.
clearOnEmpty: true,

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Boolean} clearOnError = true
* @markdown
* Clears the select list when the request returned with an error.
clearOnError: true,

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Boolean} debug
* @deprecated Since version `1.2.0`, see: {@link $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults#log}.

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Boolean} emptyRequest = false
* @markdown
* Invoke a request for empty search values.
emptyRequest: false,

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Object} ignoredKeys
* @markdown
* Key codes to ignore so a request is not invoked with bindEvent. The
* "enter" key (13) will always be dynamically added to any list provided
* unless the "cache" option above is set to "true".
* ```js
* {
*     9: "tab",
*     16: "shift",
*     17: "ctrl",
*     18: "alt",
*     27: "esc",
*     37: "left",
*     39: "right",
*     38: "up",
*     40: "down",
*     91: "meta"
* }
* ```
ignoredKeys: {
  9: "tab",
  16: "shift",
  17: "ctrl",
  18: "alt",
  27: "esc",
  37: "left",
  39: "right",
  38: "up",
  40: "down",
  91: "meta"

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {String} langCode = null
* @markdown
* The language code to use for string translation. By default this value
* is determined by the browser, however it is not entirely reliable. If
* you encounter inconsistencies, you may need to manually set this option.
langCode: null,

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Object} locale = null
* @markdown
* Provide specific overrides for {@link $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.locale locale string} translations. Values
* set here will cause the plugin to completely ignore defined locale string
* translations provided by the set language code. This is useful when
* needing to change a single value or when being used in a system that
* provides its own translations, like a CMS.
* ```js
* locale: {
*     searchPlaceholder: Drupal.t('Find...')
* }
* ```
locale: null,

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {String|Number|Number} log = 'error'
* @markdown
* Determines the amount of logging that is displayed:
* - __0, false:__ Display no information from the plugin.
* - __1, 'error':__ Fatal errors that prevent the plugin from working.
* - __2, 'warn':__ Warnings that may impact the display of request data, but does not prevent the plugin from functioning.
* - __3, 'info':__ Provides additional information, generally regarding the from request data and callbacks.
* - __4, true, 'debug':__ Display all possible information. This will likely be highly verbose and is only recommended for development purposes or tracing an error with a request.
log: 'error',

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Boolean} mixWithCurrents
* @deprecated Since version `1.2.0`, see: {@link $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults#preserveSelected}.

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg placeHolderOption
* @deprecated Since version `1.2.0`, see: {@link $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.locale#emptyTitle}.

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Function|null} preprocessData = function(){}
* @markdown
* Process the raw data returned from a request.
* The following arguments are passed to this callback:
* - __data__ - `Array` The raw data returned from the request, passed by reference.
* This callback must return one of the following:
* - `Array` - A new array of items. This will replace the passed data.
* - `undefined|null|false` - Stops the callback and will use whatever modifications have been made to data.
* ```js
* function (data) {
*     var new = [], old = [], other = [];
*     for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
*         // Add items flagged as "new" to the correct array.
*         if (data[i].new) {
*             new.push(data[i]);
*         }
*         // Add items flagged as "old" to the correct array.
*         else if (data[i].old) {
*             old.push(data[i]);
*         }
*         // Something out of the ordinary happened, put these last.
*         else {
*             other.push(data[i]);
*         }
*     }
*     // Sort the data according to the order of these arrays.
*     return [].concat(new, old, other).
* }
* ```
preprocessData: function () { },

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Boolean} preserveSelected = true
* @markdown
* Preserve selected items(s) between requests. When enabled, they will be
* placed in an `<optgroup>` with the label `Currently Selected`. Disable
* this option if you send your currently selected items along with your
* request and let the server handle this responsibility.
preserveSelected: true,

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {String} preserveSelectedPosition = 'after'
* @markdown
* Place the currently selected options `'before'` or `'after'` the options
* returned from the request.
preserveSelectedPosition: 'after',

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Function|null} processData = function(){}
* @markdown
* Process the data returned after this plugin, but before the list is built.
processData: function () { },

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Number} requestDelay = 300
* @markdown
* The amount of time, in milliseconds, that must pass before a request
* is initiated. Each time the {@link $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults#bindEvent bindEvent} is fired, it will cancel the
* current delayed request and start a new one.
requestDelay: 300,

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Boolean} restoreOnError = false
* @markdown
* Restores the select list with the previous results when the request
* returns with an error.
restoreOnError: false,

* @member $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.defaults
* @cfg {Object} templates
* @markdown
* The DOM templates used in this plugin.
* ```js
* templates: {
*     // The placeholder for status updates pertaining to the list and request.
*     status: '<div class="status"></div>',
* }
* ```
templates: {
  status: '<div class="status"></div>'


Thanks for make jQuery plugin is developed by snapappointments For more Helpfull for users, please check the demo page or visit the official website.
List Of Version :
  • v1.14.0-beta3
  • v1.14.0-beta2
  • v1.14.0-beta
  • v1.13.18
  • v1.13.17
  • v1.13.16
  • v1.13.15
  • v1.13.14
  • v1.13.13
  • v1.13.12
  • v1.13.11
  • v1.13.10
  • v1.13.9
  • v1.13.8
  • v1.13.7
  • v1.13.6
  • v1.13.5
  • v1.13.4
  • v1.13.3
  • v1.13.2
  • v1.13.1
  • v1.13.0
  • v1.13.0-beta
  • v1.13.0-alpha
  • v1.12.4
  • v1.12.3
  • v1.12.2
  • v1.12.1
  • v1.12.0
  • v1.11.2

Nola Arney

Nola Arney is a full stack web developer who has Author at jQuerypost. Her ambition for development is only matched by his desire to find the perfect meme for every occasion.